
What is MSN, RN, CNL? 

My Masters in Nursing makes me an advanced generalist nurse (MSN, RN) with a certification in Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL). Wonder what that is? In this paper (below) I explain what an advanced generalist is and how it can be used to benefit an organization:

           Interview for Advanced Generalist Position 

Using a Change Theory to Impact a Microsystem 

Change Theories are essential for making changes in an organization. Here is a example of how Lewin's Change Theory could be used to introduce a new pain assessment (the Defense and Veterans Pain Rating Scale) on a med/surg unit at Rush University Medical Center.

           Using Lewin's Theory to Improve Pain Assessments

CNL Indirect Hours Log

As a CNL it expected that our leadership skills will be used to make a difference not only in our own microsystems but also in our communities. These indirect hours, essentially volunteer hours, were completed during nursing school as part of the requirements for CNL certification. Descriptions of the CNL objectives that were met for each event are included. I plan to continue volunteering throughout my career, hopefully with many of these same organizations.

         CNL Indirect Hours

NAON Strategic Planning Meeting

National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses
401 N. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60611

Date: 9/20/2013

Title: Student Leader  

Event Description: In conjunction with one other student leader, participated in strategic planning meeting in collaboration with NAON’s top leadership. It was a very interesting, long, and somewhat intimidating process of setting goals and reviewing and editing their mission, vision, values to keep up with current trends. The leadership board used our input to get a student’s perspective on what benefits an organization could be providing to their constituents. setting, timeline, and breaking up large goals into smaller goals.

Attendees: 20 NAON professionals, including President, Vice President, Project Planners, and other board members, current orthopedic RNs, 2 student leaders

CNL Objectives:       Organizational and Systems Leadership
Quality Improvement and Safety
Interprofessional Collaboration

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